Intradermal Lidocaine for IV Starts
Intradermal lidocaine for IV starts has been used in multiple hospitals to help reduce pain. It does require that a patient receives at least 2 needle insertions for every IV procedure. The first needle stick is done to inject the lidocaine. The second needle stick is for the IV insertion, to place the catheter. This process can be quite painful and even cause patients to become discouraged when they are wanting an option for an anesthetic effect, prior to their needle procedure. Intradermal lidocaine for IV starts, is a cost-effective way to provide anesthesia to the skin prior to routine procedures. However, it does not take into consideration the concerns of the patient receiving the care. If this has also been a concern of yours, there are products available that can be a positive alternative.

History of Jet Injection
Needle-free jet injection technology is such a great model to help contribute to medical staff efficiency and address the needle phobia issue in our world. Because of this, inventors went back to the drawing board. There had to be a way to use this technology without spreading diseases to other people. Today, jet injectors in the medical field are being used for multiple applications including vaccines, insulin, and lidocaine. Due to the concern of transferring blood-borne disease from patient to patient the devices have been remodeled to conform to personal or single use options. The mechanisms to these devices are made differently but all have a way to provide single use applicators to prevent the spread of diseases from patient to patient.

How to Numb Skin before Injection
How to numb skin before injection: Is this a possibility for IV starts in hospitals? Do you find yourself dreading the thought of going to a medical facility? Of course, every time you go, you get the one nurse that has to stick you at least 3 times before successfully inserting the IV and the pain is almost unbearable. You are not alone! Almost 200 million IV catheters are started in hospitals in the United States every year⁶. This procedure effects millions and the pain caused by these needle sticks is sometimes not addressed at all.

Quality Improvement Projects in Hospitals
Pain management initiatives have become a rising protocol for hospitals across the nation. Hospitals are starting to focus more on a patient’s pain and discomfort and what the leading causes may be during their stay at the hospital. Hospitals are scored using a system they have in place called the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JACHO). To help find out how a patient stay was, the Joint Commission provides patients with a survey at the end of their stay at a hospital facility to evaluate their experiences and what happened during that visit that either caused them the most pain, or discomfort, and if there is something they can do to address it or fix it for other patients.

Needle-Free Injection System: Creating a Virtually Pain-Free Experience
The J-Tip is a Needle-Free syringe that uses jet injection to propel lidocaine subcutaneously prior to routine needle procedure such as IV starts and blood draws WITHOUT the use of a needle. Once the lidocaine enters the tissue it only takes 1-2 minutes for the anesthetic effect to take place and will last 15-20 minutes. Needle Phobia “affects between 20%-23% of the adult population."¹ “Venipuncture and intravenous (IV) cannula insertions are the two common sources of pain in hospitalized children and health care today.”² Using a needle-free syringe to administer medication to patients as a pre-number for needle insertion can help address the two bullets above.